WANTED: The Quest
My quest is to fill the gap in my gaming experience that was left by the Konix Multi-system never getting to market. It may have turned out to be poorer than it's competitors; it may have been the best thing ever. The whole point is We'll never know if we don't work hard to find what we can to rebuild the machine.
This has since turned into a quest to preserve and share with all ANY information or physical remainders of the Multi-system I can find with everybody. I want to ensure that everyone can one day sit on a real working Power Chair and play AMC'89 on a prototype console at a Retro games show or Museum. I won't stop until I achieve this.
So thus, my mission in life (I have accepted it, and the tape's already self destructed) is to try to get as close to owning or being able to experience this machine as I can. I don't mind if I only find someone willing to sell me their dev kit (as long as it's got some real Konix code that I can experience first hand). I had accepted that I'll never get to sit on a Power Chair and zap baddies with the recoiling Light Gun, and I can sit all day at my MSC PC game controller, but if it's not controlling a real Konix game what's the point? And so the Quest begins to find all this stuff.
Of course the more noble cause is to make the materials available to everyone - this I'm attempting to do (at my own cost) by purchasing all the materials scanned and making it available within these pages. I'm unsure if there's a real museum for games machines, but If I do ever track down any real items that are worthy of display, then I'd gladly put them in a museum.
Missing In Action
Despite everything that's presented in this website - from magazines to technical specification documents and videos, there's still information out there that would help make the site and the general archive of Multi-system material more complete:
Items that may be obtainable
* Promotional material and items
* Pictures or videos of the games that haven't been mentioned so far
* Compiled binaries, art and music resources and source-code
* Multi-system circuit diagrams
* Official Konix price lists
* Examples of Multi-system Box art
* More Multi-system images from the era
* Magazine articles from the rest of the world
Items that may be a little bit tricky…
* Prototype Console units (believed to be in the offices of a financial
institute, or maybe even in a major Japanese games machine manufacturers
* Dev Kits *Update* a devkit has been found, work is in progress to try to
get it running code again
* All the peripherals, such as the Power Chair, Light Gun and Number Pad
*update* A Power Chair has been found although we are a long way off
seeing it publicly - Read
more here
If you're able, in order to preserve the Multi-system for everyone, we need to do the following. I've made attempts on all fronts, I've had some success on some but have fallen short on others - if you have the ability or resources, then please help. This especially goes out to developers involved at the time who may have some of these resources.
1) Find a dev kit and fully document it *update* in progress -
watch this space for links.
2) Find Multi-system game or demo source code or binaries and archive it
*update* in progress, 2 games archived so far and a hand full of tech
demos and test code. More games are out there somewhere.
3) Find the KMS prototype (No, not the MSC controller - but a real one with
the Electronics inside - AND working!) *Found the plastic case* -
although it isn't 100% complete.
4) Find the KMS Power Chair, Light gun and Number pad prototypes.